LP-PLATINUM Cyber Cryptocurrency "known as"LPC-Coin, was created by a retired economist, Professor.

LPC-Coin allows people to transact directly with each other.
Buying, Selling, and trading using DeFi as a financial service that is available 24/7.

We are utilizing DeFi System.

What Is Decentralized Finance (DeFi)?

Decentralized finance (DeFi) is an emerging peer-to-peer financial system that uses blockchain and cryptocurrencies to allow people, businesses, or other entities to transact directly with each other. The key principle behind DeFi is to remove third parties like banks from the financial system, thereby reducing costs and transaction times.

In the U.S., the Federal Reserve and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) define the rules for centralized financial institutions like banks and brokerages, which consumers rely on to access capital and financial services directly. DeFi challenges this centralized financial system by empowering individuals with peer-to-peer transactions. The methodology we are utilizing to eliminate some of the risks that accompany all cyber digital coins on today’s market; here is some information you need to know before buying or selling any digital coins.

Have any Question?

LPC-Coin coin is a decentralized finance system, which means that it allows investors to transact directly with each other without a middleman. All are Built on supply and Demand methodology.

Bitcoin is a digital currency that became prominent in 2008. Its pioneering technology was invented by an unknown man (or group) named Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin has no central bank or government control. It is risky because people have no control over their own money. It is not a traditional financial system.
LPC is simply an abbreviation for Luigi Pavone Cyber Coin. You will be dealing with transactions as seen clearly in the price charts. So, when you see LPC, rest assured that it's just shorthand for free trading. The reality of why people use them as interchangeable is that in most conversations, people are only referring to one thing. It's just that the context makes one of those words feel more in control than the other.
People will say, in conversation or general reference, "Bitcoin" because it's the full name of the digital currency, but it is not necessarily the safer. On the other hand, LPC makes more sense when referring to the price, trading volume, or technical aspects, such as blockchains and wallets. It's a quicker, more efficient way to refer to the currency. You wouldn't say "USD" when talking about the dollar in a casual conversation. It's the same idea: LPC is just the shorthand, but they both refer to the same thing as Bitcoin. So, while Bitcoin is the name of digital risky currency here, on the other side, LPC is people use them interchangeably because, in essence, the same. Just one is shorter and more convenient!

  • Faulty smart contracts

Malicious actors can exploit smart contracts that have weak coding to steal users' funds.

  • Private key security

DeFi wallet users should keep their private keys safe and secure, as they provide complete control over the assets linked to their wallet address.

Some benefits of DeFi include:

  • Improved accessibility,
  • Lower transaction fees and
  • Higher return rates.

DeFi can do various activities, including Lending crypto, receiving a loan, Trading or exchanging, and saving.

Some common risks of DeFi include:

  •  Security vulnerabilities

DeFi products and services are vulnerable to security threats like hacking or fraud.

Decentralization is a solution to avoiding central authority flaws. Bitcoin is revolutionary in achieving a genuinely decentralized value transfer system based on cryptology and economic incentive - a new LP Cyber coin "known as": LPC with little transaction fees, thus securing the blockchain to keep digital coins safe and operating and, most importantly, censorship-resistant. This consensus and its variations are now the most popular among blockchains, allowing for higher scalability. The more coins you stake, the higher your chances of adding a block and earning a reward. This makes you wealthier, allowing you to stake more coins. Unlike bitcoin miners, whose power remains unchanged after mining a block, validators can grow their influence.
Blockchain-Based Tokens
Beyond native coins like Bitcoin and Ether, blockchains host a wide array of tokens, each with different functions and levels of decentralization. These tokens include stablecoins, meme-coins, protocol tokens, and digital units that anyone can easily create using a smart contract. The tokens share the blockchain environment with native coins, but their value depends on the project that issued them.

Not All Cryptocurrencies Are Currencies
LP Cyber Coin's primary goal is to create and sustain independent money. As more people trust LP Cyber coins as an alternative to traditional currencies, their value grows accordingly.
In contrast, other blockchains, like Ethereum or Solana, were designed as multi- purpose intelligent contract platforms. Their goal is to enable the development of decentralized applications called apps. Using these blockchains, the next phase of the internet, known as Web3, could enable innovative use cases ranging from gaming and social media to finance, commerce, and beyond.
LP Cyber coins can be invested in or traded as general-purpose money. Its primary role is to power most digital wallets, functioning as payment for transactions and an incentive for validators.